Ngành Công nghệ Kỹ thuật Điện tử - Viễn thông (CTĐT bằng tiếng Anh)
Mục tiêu đào tạo:
- 1. Mục tiêu đào tạo:
- Students majoring in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering Technology Program, within 2-3 years after graduation, will be able to:
- PEO 1: Develop solutions to carry out design, technical services, and management tasks in the field of Electronics and Telecommunications.
- PEO 2: Work professionally in international environment.
- PEO 3: Fostering honesty, responsibility, and a commitment to quality in the process of learning and professional development.
- 2. Chuẩn đầu ra chương trình đào tạo:
- 1) Conduct standard tests, measurements, and experiments; analyze and interpret experimental results to enhance the performance of systems/processe;
- 2) Design systems, components, or processes that meet technical requirements related to Electronics and Telecommunications;
- 3) Apply knowledge, skills, and modern engineering tools to solve professional problems;
- 4) Participate effectively in professional teams as both a member and a leader;
- 5) Communicate effectively in diverse work environments.;
- 6) Apply fundamental principles of science and technology in professional activities.
- 3.Cơ hội việc làm sau khi tốt nghiệp:
- - Design, manufacture and operate electrical, electronic and telecommunication systems;
- - Direct and manage the production of electrical and electronic products;
- - Provide technical services in electricity, electronics, and telecommunications;
- - Receive and transfer technology in the fields of electricity, electronics, and telecommunications;
- - Teach electrical, electronics, and telecommunications subjects at universities and colleges;
- - Research in the field of electrical, electronic and telecommunication at scientific and technological research institutions.
- - Assume positions in project management or technical departments in businesses
- - Establish and manage of businesses related to the electronics field.
- 4. Chương trình khung
- Chương trình khung ngành Công nghệ Kỹ thuật Điện tử - Viễn thông (CTĐT bằng tiếng Anh)